Friday, February 26, 2010

Redtape Or Lee Cooper Is Democracy Dead?

Is Democracy Dead? - redtape or lee cooper

Democracy starts with the popular choice, and the opinions, views, and the overwhelming desire of the population. He died in morbid obesity and lines beauracracies endless government bureaucracy, laws and regulations, each movement a toothpick freedom of man. Now, attack, not before answering this question, one of the popular belief that we are discussing here. It is beyond the scope of this topic. In the field, and public opinion, like it or not ...
1. The people voted against gay marriage ... A small group of judges of the Supreme Court ruled the ban unconstitutional and void an opinion of the majority of the millions of Americans.
2. California has 24 tracks has demanded that households use a special lamp to save energy and mintemperatures of environmental impacts. For me it is illegal to set a standard light bulb in my house? Irony? Mercury in the e-bulb creates a double security impact on the environment if not disposed of properly ...


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